
Ramadan and violence go together
EFL & Enshala!
Ramadan, the Muslim holy month devoted to contemplation, prayer and fasting, has become a synonym for violence this year, with unprecedented suicide bombings of targets friendly to the West, around the Islamic world.
And here is a subtlety we can all enjoy...
The Koran does not promote violence during Ramadan, but Muslim militants see it as an opportunity for jihad, or holy war.
And the money quote comes from none other than...
"Radicals see jihad not principally as an act of violence or an assertion of power ... but as a spiritual act, a holy cleansing of the world’s impurities," says Robert Spencer, author of "Onward Muslim Soldiers" and "Islam Unveiled." "In this view, if there is ever a time to fight Satan in all his various manifestations on Earth — including Americans and Israelis — it is Ramadan."
The United States was criticized in 2001 by Muslim extremists leaders for continuing its bombing campaign in Afghanistan during Ramadan. They said any bombings during the holy month would interfere with thier own well laid plot to murder Jews could lead to major unrest in other Muslim countries. In the end, Bush administration officials decided the United States could not afford a pause in the campaign.
This is why we like him!
The 28-day holy month is seen as a time when all good deeds are rewarded 10 times the faux virgins over; a time when the dead are guaranteed access to heaven and the gates of hell are closed, according to the Hadith, a book of mindless ramblings sayings by Muhammad. This year’s Ramadan has left a bloody trail of death in Islamic countries worldwide.
Much like the other months in the year, in fact...
Ramadan is a time of Islamic fervor. Hezbollah’s satellite television channel Al-Manar is broadcasting this month a 30-part anti-Semitic Syrian-produced series titled "Al-Shatat" ("Diaspora") on the "criminal history of Zionism," according to the Syria Times. Described by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the show depicts gruesome frames of Jews torturing and killing Muslims.
On Christmas day I open gifts.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-11-21