
Mogadishu thugs bump off 15 of each other
  • Fifteen people were killed and dozens wounded overnight when two rival Somali factions clashed in the Bulohubey district of south Mogadishu, militia leaders and witnesses said. The fighting pitted the militia of powerful Mogadishu warlord Mohamed Qanyare Afrah and those of his rival, little-known Hashi Dhabarey. Dhabarey said that Afrah's fighters had attacked his militiamen late on Wednesday killing 11 of them near his home. "I lost 11 of my people and others are wounded," said Dhabarey, who added that Afrah's militiamen had also seized two of his armed vehicles.
    Y'see, "Greasy Thumb" Dhabarey didn't want to let "Crazy Joe" Afrah wet his beak. Dis pipsqueak - who the hell is he, anyway? - he's struttin' around like some kinda pezzonovante, and what's he got? A coupla armored cars, nuttin'. So Crazy Joe, he gives him a little slap, just to wake him up, show 'im who's the ricotta, y'know? So now Greasy Thumb, he makes like it's a big deal, and goes to the mattresses. Go figger.
    Writing the warlords off as East African Crips and Bloods was our mistake last time. If we go back in, we have to look at "dees guys" as lightly-armed armies rather than gangs.
    Posted by Mark Byron [markbyron.blogspot.com] 3/7/2002 7:55:44 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-07
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2156