
School Girl Fight Turns Ugly
Remember the last Nigerian riot?
A schoolyard row between 12-year-old girls escalated into a sectarian riot that left 11 churches burned, 40 shops looted and a young man fighting for his life, witnesses said here on Thursday.
That’s right, the girls started it.
Muslim rioters took to the streets of the northern Nigerian town of Kazaure on Tuesday targeting Christian businesses and churches after a policeman shot a protester in the throat, police and officials said. Trouble had been brewing for two weeks after a Christian schoolgirl, responding to schoolyard taunts from Muslim playmates, allegedly insulted the Prophet Mohammed, an education official said.
Oh, the horror!
On Tuesday a group of Muslim radicals descended on the school to protest the head teacher’s alleged reluctance to take action against the girl.
I was right, I bet they did want her stoned.
Trouble spilled out into the street as the enraged mob ransacked and burned out around 40 businesses, starting with Christian-owned stalls but eventually also looting Muslim stores, including two owned by their imam.
A police source said that eight rioters had so far been arrested and that officers would swoop on the ringleaders after reinforcements arrived from Kano and Jiagawa State capital Dutse. He said the female head teacher had been taken into police protection.
No wonder the mob didn’t like her ruling, after all, she’s just breeding stock.
Posted by: Steve 2003-11-21