
Speculation Corner: Binny might be dead. Or not.
  • There is "a good chance" that Osama bin Laden is dead, French defense minister Alain Richard said Thursday, leaving open the possibility that the al-Qaida leader is not.
    Maybe he's in a coma. Or he's been kidnapped and his evil twin is dead but he's not. Or he is and the evil twin's not? If you're Osama bin Laden and you have an evil twin what's the difference between you? Or, wait! I got it! What if he has amnesia, see? And he doesn't know who he is? Or he had a serious head injury and doesn't even know if he's dead or not? Or maybe his right lobe is brain dead, and he's left-handed...
    My main concern is Osama's admirers & supporters.
    Posted by Anonymous 3/10/2002 3:13:36 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-07
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2161