
Saudis said to fund Syrian occupation of Lebanon
Saudi Arabia is said to be financing Syria's occupation of Lebanon and Syrian special forces have been prepared to help bolster the unreliable Saudi security forces.
Is there anything oppressive these guys don't pay for?
A new report said Saudi Arabia has been a major contributor to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. This includes Saudi investment in Syria and in Syrian-controlled Lebanon and preparing a Syrian force that could be called in to replace U.S. troops in the kingdom. "Tested by near-continuous engagement in several Arab-Israeli wars, vigorous internal policing, and action in Lebanon, Syrian troops contrast sharply with the inexperienced and largely inefficient Saudi military," the report by the Middle East Intelligence Bulletin said." This battle-hardened Arab-Muslim force is a low-premium insurance against a day that the Americans decide to leave the Saudis to defend themselves against external threat."
Which we're hoping is any time now...
Syrian troops remained longer than most of the other U.S.-led coalition members in the 1991 war against Iraq, the report, entitled "The Syrian-Saudi Arabian Nexus," said. The report also said the Saudi royal family has relied on Syrian intelligence agencies to battle internal threats to Riyad, particularly by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz.
Ummm... That sentence doesn't make any sense.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-23