
Turkey arrests far-left militant planning bomb attacks
Turkish police have arrested a suspected member of a far-left extremist group who was awaiting orders to carry out bomb attacks against embassies in the capital Ankara, a media report said Saturday. The man, whose name was not given, was thought to belong to the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party Front (DHKP-C), an underground Marxist group with a violent record, the NTV news channel said on its website.
Not a good time to be plotting bomb attacks in Turkey...
A search in his flat revealed preparations to carry out bomb attacks against the embassies of the United States and Germany in Ankara. The organization was also planning attacks against an unnamed political party leader, NTV said. The news came in the wake of two suicide car bomb attacks in Istanbul against Jewish and British targets, killing at least 53 people, which has prompted tightened security around embassies and consulates.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-23