
12 Iraqis Killed in Car Bombings at Police Stations
Followup to yesterday's article...
Attackers struck two police stations with back-to-back car bombings Saturday, killing themselves and at least 12 other Iraqis. The suicide bombers struck two police stations northeast of Baghdad within 30 minutes. In the market town of Khan Bani Saad, a Chevrolet Caprice sped through a guard’s gunfire Saturday morning and exploded at the station gate, police said.
Well okay, a Caprice is a tough car to stop. Particularly the taxi cab version.
Capt. Ryan McCormick of the 4th Infantry Division said 10 people were killed: six policemen, three civilians and the driver. Iraqi police said one of the dead was a 5-year-old girl. Another 10 people were wounded, McCormick said.
This despite the condemnation of Human Rights Watch. Wonder if any of the London demonstrators will take notice?
Iraqi police Sgt. Aqil Suheil, who was wounded in the legs in the attack, said he was washing his car when he saw the bomber speed into the station. ``I heard a loud explosion. I found myself under the car,’’ he said. ``I got out quickly and ran toward the street and then lost consciousness.’’
Concussion? Or a war story? Usually, when you're out — he found himself under the car — you don't get up and run, then keel over again. Or concussion followed by hypovolemia? That'd explain it, I guess...
In Baquba, 12 miles to the northeast, a white SUV approached the gate to a police station at normal speed but ignored orders to stop and then blew up at the checkpoint. Three policemen and the driver were killed, and one policeman was missing, Lt. Wisam Ahmed said. At least 10 civilians were hurt. A coalition official said five policemen were killed and 15 were wounded in the attack. ``It is clear that the terrorists have targeted Iraqis, the very Iraqis who are trying to improve the security in Iraq and the lives of ordinary Iraqis,’’ coalition spokesman Charles Heatly said.
But Ted Rall thinks that these "freedom fighters" are fighting on behalf of ordinary Iraqis. And we all know Ted Rall couldn’t be wrong!
Posted by: Steve White 2003-11-23