
Five Pakistanis Freed From Guantanamo
Five Pakistani prisoners arrived home Saturday after being freed by American authorities from the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, officials said.
We’re done with these, Perv! All yours!
The men were captured in Afghanistan during the U.S.-led campaign to oust the Taliban in late 2001, and were later shifted to Guantanamo Bay to investigate their suspected links to al-Qaida, an Interior Ministry official told The Associated Press. The official said the men will remain in Pakistani custody for a few days before being allowed to go free. ``We believe that they sang like canaries had no links with any militant groups, but we want to satisfy ourselves that they sang like canaries before allowing them to go to their homes,’’ said the official. The official gave no other details. He said efforts are underway to secure the release of the remaining Pakistani prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.
Soon as we squeeze them dry.
The five men - Hafiz Liaquat Manzoor, Mohammed Ishaq, Talha Mohammed, Majid Mahmood and Ijaz Ahmad — were among nearly 50 Pakistanis caught in Afghanistan while allegedly fighting against U.S.-led coalition forces there.
Allegedly with rifles in their hands.
So far, U.S. authorities have released nearly a dozen Pakistani prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, including a 51-year-old man, Mohammed Sanghir, who has filed a lawsuit against U.S. authorities demanding $10.4 million in compensation for his detention.
I’d love to do his deposition. I’d want LTC Steve with me, he might have some questions for Mo as well.
Sanghir was captured in Afghanistan in 2001. He was freed in November 2002 and claims he was in Afghanistan to teach Islam and was not involved in anti-U.S. activities there.
"I was jes’ showin’ ’em how to hold their holy rifles jes’ so. Ever’one knows you can’t be holy without a rifle!"
Earlier this month, a Pakistani judge issued notices to the Pakistani government and the U.S. State Department demanding they respond to Sanghir’s lawsuit by Dec. 12.
Rats, the lawsuit is in Pakistan. No way I can get to Karachi for the deposition. Maybe Mo will come back to Gitmo?
Posted by: Steve White 2003-11-23