
They desecrated our soldiers bodies.
Three U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq
9 minutes ago

By MARIAM FAM, Associated Press Writer

MOSUL, Iraq - Gunmen killed two American soldiers driving through this northern Iraqi city Sunday, and then a crowd swarmed the scene, looting the soldiers’ vehicle and pummeling their bodies, witnesses said. Another soldier was killed in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad.

Elsewhere, three American civilian contractors were wounded in an explosion in the northern oil center of Kirkuk. First reports said the blast was from a mortar, but U.S. Lt. Col. Matt Croke said officials later concluded it was from a bomb.

The 101st Airborne Division said its soldiers in Mosul were shot while driving between U.S. garrisons. Several witnesses also said the soldiers were shot during the attack in the Ras al-Jadda district, though earlier reports by witnesses said assailants slit the soldiers’ throats.

Bahaa Jassim, a teenager, said the soldiers’ vehicle crashed into a wall after the shooting. Several dozen passers-by then descended on the wreckage, looting the car of weapons and the soldiers’ backpacks.

After the soldiers’ bodies fell into the street, the crowd pummeled them with concrete blocks, Jassim said.
I’m so pissed right now I don’t even have the words. We need to find these people and kill them in public. We need to react to this so harshly that when scum like those who desecrated our soldiers lifeless bodies see another dead US soldier, they run in the other direction.
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American 2003-11-23