
Ron Paul supporters to fly helicopter over Cedar Rapids (Troofer sponsored)
Press Release from RonPaulairecorps.com

CEDAR RAPDIS - Launching what will be a nationwide campaign across America’s skies to raise awareness and support for Ron Paul’s candidacy for President, the Ron Paul Aircorps will tow a huge “Ron Paul Revolution” campaign banner by helicopter for four hours today over Cedar Rapids.

The banner, which will feature Ron Paul's picture and his "relovelution" logo will launch at 2 p.m. today from Marion airport and fly over downtown Cedar Rapids for four hours, lasting through rush-hour to get the most impact.

The Ron Paul Aircorps represents another facet to the overwhelming grassroots outpouring of support for Ron Paul, the only candidate who represents real hope for America.

A grassroots fund-raising effort in late 2007, the “Ron Paul Money Bomb,” set a new campaign record by hauling in $6.6 million dollars in one day. Other notable grassroots-organized Ron Paul support efforts include the 2007 Tea Party, hot-air balloon fly-overs and much more.

The Ron Paul Aircorps banner tow will correspond to Paul’s campaign in Iowa.
The Ron Paul Aircorps is the brainchild of Ted Anderson, owner and CEO of the Genesis Communications Radio Network (GCN) out of Saint Paul, Minnesota and nationally-syndicated radio show host, Alex Jones.

The tow will be announced today on GCN’s flagship show, the Alex Jones show. Alex Jones, a nationally-recognized media activist who has been featured from 60 Minutes to USA Today, is a staunch supporter of Ron Paul. Says Jones, “The latest battalion in the info-war, the Ron Paul Aircorps, is launching today to wake people up that Ron Paul is the only real hope for America.”

By funding the first banner tow, Anderson is donating the first of what is sure to be much support for this awareness-raising grassroots campaign.
Posted by: Gromomble Oppressor of the Iowans8916 2008-01-03