
MILF sez they're not colluding with Abu Sayyaf
  • Moro Islamic Liberation Front leaders reiterated that there is no truth to charges of collusion between their forces and members of the Abu Sayyaf and other kidnap gangs. They also laughed off news reports that the recent attacks by MILF fighters against government troops, in violation of a standing cease-fire agreement, were ordered by their chairman, Hashim Salamat.

    Spokesman Eid Kabalu said the MILF could never be allied with the Abu Sayyaf. "We are a legitimate revolutionary organization and not a bunch of money-hungry kidnappers," he said. Kabalu was reacting to a statement by Senator Rodolfo Biazon, who said that collusion between the Abu Sayyaf and MILF fighters in Basilan has been confirmed at a congressional hearing. Former hostages of the Abu Sayyaf from the town of Lamitan in Basilan, the island stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf, testified at a joint hearing of the Senate and the House of Representatives that sometime in the last quarter of 2001 the Abu Sayyaf took them to MILF camps in Basilan after escaping military encirclement in Lamitan.
    The Saudis appear to be real solicitous about MILF, and they appear to have written Abu Sayyaf off, which also started off with Saudi money.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-08
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2183