
"Moderate" Muslim Goes Over to the Enemy
I’ve read this guy’s stuff in the WSJ and LA Times. He was always very anti-Islamo-facist and pro-American. He was even under police protection against threats from the fundos. Either the fundos got to him or he was lying. There ain’t no such thing as a moderate Muslim...
Professor Khaled Abou Al-Fadl, originally of Egypt, was appointed by President George W. Bush to the Commission on International Religious Freedom, where he is the only Muslim member. Recently he gave an interview to the Egyptian government weekly October in which he strongly criticized the American president. The following are excerpts from the interview:

’Bush Makes Continued American Aid in the World Contingent Upon Permitting Missionary Activity’
"When Bush came to the presidency, there was a revolution in American policy. He brought in religious Christian people. In the field, Bush permitted missionaries into Iraq before medicines. He is the first president in the history of America whose policy includes supporting Christian missionaries and applying pressure through them on some countries. He links them with continued American aid to some countries.

’20% of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq Suffer from Mental Conditions’ The losers always have to bring up the "American soldiers are really cowards" meme. Arab candy asses wouldn’t know courage if it bit them in the ass.
Question: "What is American public opinion on what is happening in Iraq?"
Prof. Abu Al-Fadl: "In Congress, I heard testimony by soldiers and officers regarding the mental illness and nervous conditions that have struck the American soldiers in Iraq. An officer who reported in his testimony on disorders that harmed soldiers [said] that this loss was greater than the military loss; the disorders [struck] 20% of the soldiers. Some of them were panic-stricken in their sleep and wet themselves, not only because of the [Iraqi] resistance, but also because of the lies of the government that had convinced the soldiers that the Iraqis would greet them with flowers... In several articles I wrote for The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, I predicted what would happen. The White House wrote to me and asked me: ’How did you know?!’ I told them, from analysis, from studying history, and from political science, I knew that this is what would happen. [I told them,] ’You were misled by the situation in Afghanistan, but the resistance will increase and if you intervene in Syria and Iran, even double the sum you are requesting [from Congress] will not meet your needs, and the Shi’ites will rise up against you.’"
No more WSJ columns and prestigious government appointments for you, eh Fadl? I hear Al Qaeda is recruiting.

I'd also wonder how much of the content was what he said and what the Egyptian editors inserted. It read really familiar...

Posted by: 11A5S 2003-11-26