
Yemen retrains militant Muslim imams
Yemen reportedly has started a training program for state-hired Muslim clerics, or imams, to eliminate militant language in their sermons. So far, 200 imams have registered to begin the course. Yemeni officials said the course by the Islamic Affairs Ministry will seek to revise sermons given Fridays to crowds in mosques. The sermons will eliminate references to jihad, or holy war, against the West or Israel.
I think that would be a good idea...
In addition, officials said, imams will voice opposition to Muslim suicide bombing attacks. They said mosques have often been used by al-Qaida and related groups to recruit suicide bombers and those for other missions.
Even better. But of course...
The course has angered the opposition, which accused the government of seeking to control the mosques.
Not that they have an ulterior motive or anything. Pure altruism...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-27