
NTV channel breaks contract with LDPR after Zhirinovsky’s fistfight
It's not WoT, but it's stoopid...
The NTV channel has broken their contract with the LDPR party on participation in live televised debates within the framework of the Freedom of Speech programme, the channel’s press service reported on Wednesday. ''The decision was made by the channel’s directors in connection with the violation of the contract terms by LDPR’s chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky who took part in the Freedom of Speech programme aired on November 21,'' the press service said.
"If you elect me, speech will no longer be free, but we'll keep it cheap."
In accordance with the contract, the participants of the televised debates must not allow any statements damaging the honour and dignity of the other candidates, political parties and factions as well as third parties. According to eyewitnesses, in the November 21 Zhirinovsky insulted the other participants and after it attempted to start a fistfight. The channel’s directors promised to return the LDPR the money paid for their participation in the televised debates.
"Here's your money back. Now get the hell out. Take 'Knuckles' with you."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-27