
  • Little Green Footballs points to this Indian editorial on the Godhra massacres.
    So how does this altercation escalate within a few minutes, and that too in the early morning before many people are up and about, into a large mob of Muslims arriving at the scene equipped with Molotov cocktails and acid bombs? Does this look like a spontaneous response to an act of provocation, or does it look like a pre-planned, well-thought-out plan for mass murder? What kind of 'provocation' leads someone to randomly execute women and children in the most gruesome manner possible, by burning them alive?
    Read the whole thing.
    What the writer doesn't dwell on is the reaction to the atrocity, which produced almost ten times the number dead, slaughtered in just as gruesome a manner. VHP responded to the Muslim "counterprovocation" with similar lunacy that put it in the same category as the Muslim thugs. Doing so directed international attention on some of its activities, which seem to the outside observer to consist of deliberately belligerent actions stepping on Muslims, Buddhists and Sikhs. That the government is allied with them is a black mark on the government.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-09
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2189