
Bush Makes Surprise T-Day Visit to Troops in Baghdad
President Bush flew in under the cover of darkness to dine with U.S. forces at a Baghdad International Airport (search) mess hall. It was the first trip ever by an American president to Iraq -- a mission tense with concern about his safety.

With the president out of sight, L. Paul Bremer (search), the chief U.S. civilian administrator, told the soldiers it was time to read the president’s Thanksgiving proclamation and that it was a task for the most senior official present.

"Is there anybody back there more senior than us?" he asked. That was the cue for Bush, who promptly stepped forward from behind a curtain, setting off pandemonium among the troops.

"I was just looking for a warm meal somewhere," Bush joked to some 600 soldiers from the 1st Armored Division and the 82nd Airborne Division, who were stunned by the appearance and applauded wildly while giving Bush a standing ovation.

"Thanks for inviting me. I can’t think of finer folks to have Thanksgiving dinner with than you all."

Another article at NYT - http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/27/international/27WIRE-BUSH.html?hp

Posted by: PayDay 2003-11-27