
Georgia and Russia agree on Chechen repatriation
  • Russia and Georgia have reached an agreement over the repatriation of Chechen refugees living in Georgia's volatile Pankisi gorge. Russian authorities and President Vladimir Putin are ready to help refugees return home, and that means not only women, children and the elderly, but also those who took part in the war but did not commit any crimes. President Shevardnadze said law enforcement officials in both countries "have information on who did what". Tbilisi is insisting that repatriations must be voluntary, whereas Moscow wants the Pankisi gorge -- which it charges is being used as a rebel base -- to be entirely cleared of Chechens.
    That's always assuming they can be dislodged, of course...
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-09
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2194