
Romney Lessens Expectations in South Carolina
Governor Romney lessened expectations in the Palmetto State today while campaigning here ahead of this Saturday’s first in the south primary. South Carolina has traditionally been the road to the White House for GOP contenders, but the former Massachusetts governor is only spending a day and a half here before going to Nevada ahead of their caucuses, which are also on Saturday: “There are 24 delegates in South Carolina and there are 34 delegates in Nevada, and my guess is that our time will be related to the fact that I’m fighting to get the nomination. I’m not looking for gold stars on my forehead like I was in first grade. I want delegates.”

Romney addressed 500 retirees here focusing on a “broken Washington.” But after the event, while talking to reporters he downplayed expectations saying this is McCain territory: “I’m going to be campaigning hard here in South Carolina. I think Senator McCain has a very strong lead here. He’s the clear frontrunner. It would be an enormous surprise if we were able to win here,” Romney continued, “this is a state I’d expect Senator McCain has pretty well wrapped up, and so I’m going to spend time here to try and strengthen my position, but I’m also going to be spending time in Nevada and spending time in Florida and then we go on to 22 other states.”
Posted by: Fred 2008-01-17