
Muslim loons decry Saudi peace plan
  • The Hizb al-Tahrir (Islamic Liberation Party) has denounced Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah's peace plans for the Middle East as a ''gift to Sharon the butcher'' and called on Muslims to reject it. In a leaflet distributed after Friday prayers outside the Saudi-funded Islamic Centre in Brussels, the group said the Palestinian question was not limited to withdrawal from PA territories or from the West Bank or from territories occupied in 1967 but was the liberation of all Palestine from Zionist occupation. The Arabic leaflet said the Saudi plan would now be made an official Arab document by the Arab summit scheduled to be held in Beirut at the end of March. It said the Saudi plan ''is an indirect US attempt to solve the problem as envisaged by the Mitchell and Tenet plans.'' Hizb al-Tahrir is banned in most of the Arab countries because it calls for the creation of one Islamic Khilafat rule in the Muslim world.
    When it comes right down to it, if these goobers are against it, that makes me view it more favorably.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-09
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2199