
Heavy fighting in West Darfur
From Friday, but yet more insight into the conflict in Darfur province.
Over the last five days, 210 people have been killed in fighting between militias and a rebel group on the outskirts of Junaynah, western Darfur, according to a local rebel group. Armed Arab militias had burned down three villages in the area, killing 24 people, injuring 18, and looting everything in sight, Abu Bakr Hamid al-Nur, spokesman for the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) told IRIN. The rebel group and local civilians retalitated by killing 186 members of the militias, he said. Without any international monitors in the region, there is no independent confirmation of the figures. Many of the Arab militia members came from neighbouring Chad, al-Nur told IRIN. "The Sudanese government gives them money and weapons and support from its soldiers," he claimed.

On Thursday Amnesty International said there was "compelling evidence" that at least some elements of the Sudanese army were supporting the militias. "Farming communities are being pushed off their land towards the city of Junaynah and elsewhere, while nomadic people supported by the militias are using their land for pasture," al-Nur said. "Those who have not been displaced are too scared to work in their fields because of the militia presence," he added. "We are calling on the humanitarian community to come to the area to know what’s happening." The government has consistently denied the allegations. The lack of travel permits being granted by the Sudanese government, coupled with general insecurity, is preventing aid agencies from supplying urgently needed humanitarian aid.
Which is the whole idea, isn't it?

Posted by: Dan Darling 2003-12-01