
Legal Pedophilia in Iran
This Op-Ed in Faith Freedom, (which I recommend on its own merits), contains the following paragraph:

The article then goes on to grasp the straws in telling us that president Khatami has not been so ineffectual but that some change for the better has happened in his time. But the author reveals his lack of knowledge of Islamic Republic politics by first stating a reason for Khatami’s slow progress: “a conservative-dominated upper house has vetoed most enlightened legislation”. The conservative-dominated upper house referred to is in fact none other than the 12 member all unelected Guardian Council which selects candidates, vets them after they have won and then vetoes the parliamentary bills. For example the Guardian Council has vetoed a bill to raise the legal age for girls marrying from 9 to 12, or the bill to allow unmarried girls to travel abroad for their studies was vetoed by this “conservative dominated upper house”.

That’s right; girls in Iran can be forcibly married at age nine. Muslim pedophiles can thank that wonderful human being, Mohammad (cursed be his name) for that convenient law: you might remember the "Prophet" married Aisha when she was six years old, but alledgedly didn’t raped her consumate the marriage until she was nine. The bearded perverts of Iran reason that if it was permissible to the last Prophet, it is also permissible to the rest of Muslimdom.
Posted by: Sorge 2003-12-01