
Blogger on Dhimmi Carter
I think we need a seperate category for bloggers.
Hat tip LGF.

Astounding, ignorant, malevolent and morally bankrupt oputpouring from ex-US President Jimmy Carter at the Geneva ’accords’ stunt today. Apparently, global terror is all the fault of America and Israel. No mention of the little matter of 9/11. No mention of the Palestinian terror which alone is responsible for Israel’s military activity. Instead, Carter blames the victims and excuses mass murder!
In other news, a Myst fan bought Uru.
The man’s remarks, as reported, are scarcely credible from someone who once led the free world, even as a rubbish President. Viz: ’Bush’s inordinate support for Israel allows the Palestinians to suffer’. What’s Bush’s ’inordinate support for Israel’ got to do with the human bombs, the incitement to Jew-hatred, the rejection by the Arabs of offer after offer of a state for the Palestinians? The Palestinians are suffering because a) they have been used as pawns for decades by the Arab states waging annihilatory war against Israel by proxy and b) because they are now engaged in or supporting a terrorist war against Israel. Yet to Carter, it is not the Israelis who are suffering, but their attackers!
Carter is self-deceived.
Carter ’called repeatedly for the return of Palestinian refugees to the territories, beyond what is called for in the Geneva Initiative’. So he wants the destruction of the Jewish state altogether.

’Settlements prevent the return of the refugees who led (sic) their homes after the 1948 and 1967 wars’. Eh? How do the settlements, which have been built since 1967, prevent anyone ’returning’ to anywhere? And why should people who claim to be refugees but whose claim is shaky, to put it mildly, be allowed to muscle in on a state they have attacked for more than half a century? Or does Carter think this a just reward for mass murder?
He’s an asshat.
’Carter said the main flaw of the US-brokered road map is its step-by-step approach, which he said has allowed Israel to stop its advance by building "an enormous barrier wall" and with "the colonialization of Gaza." ’ But the advance of the road map was stopped by the Palestinians’ refusal to observe the very first of these steps, namely the dismantling of the infrasructure of terror, and the fact that the whole premise on which the exercise was founded, the disappearance of Arafat from the scene, was destroyed by the fact that Arafat is still calling the shots (literally).

Is this man Carter just terminally stupid, or evil?
Geneva was demonstrably unnecessary. There was a perfectly good peace proposal on offer at Camp David, which was rejected by the Palestinians in favour of mass murder. Geneva was always a stunt, designed merely to sow division within Israel and its supporters as these quotes from Palestinian Geneva participants make clear:

’What Palestinians do agree about is the utility of the exercise: "One of the goals of the Geneva Accord is to create a rift in the Israeli street and a crack in the Sharon government," said Qadura Fares, an Accord architect who is going [to today’s Swiss launch]. "Our aim was to create divisions inside Israel and block the growth of the right-wing in Israel," said Hatem Abdel Kader, an Accord negotiator who is staying home’.
Admitting the true agenda of divide and slaughter
Geneva was a manipulative farce from the start. Today it morphed into a legitimation of terror. ’Palestinian General Zuheir Manasra defended both Palestinian uprisings as legitimate struggles for Palestinian independence...Both Palestinian and Israeli speakers criticized the government of Israel. Neither criticized the Palestinian leadership’.
"Heil Haman!"
Lord Levy was there too, reading out pious platitudes from Tony Blair. Did he or anyone at this disgusting charade point out the little matter of Palestinian annihilatory aggression -- or did they all unite in morally inverted agreement that the Jews were once again the cause of their own destruction?
Hey Dhimmi Carter! ..|..
Posted by: Atrus 2003-12-01