
UN urges tough action on al-Qaeda
Stronger measures may be necessary to compel United Nations member states to assist in the fight against international terrorism, the UN’s al-Qaeda monitoring committee says. The committee’s latest report notes that the al-Qaeda ideology has continued to spread, raising the spectre of further terrorist attacks. The message from this latest report is that the UN’s tools for monitoring al-Qaeda may need strengthening. Up until now the monitoring committee has relied on UN member states to volunteer information about how they are limiting the activities of al-Qaeda and associated groups - information about controls on the flow of money, arms and individuals across international borders. But fewer than half of all member states are co-operating and even the quality of the information provided by those states is being questioned, the UN says.
How many of the other half are incompetent and how many are on the other side?
The report says that while great importance has been attached to limiting the movement of al-Qaeda operatives between countries, so far not a single UN member state has presented any evidence of the arrest or detention of such people at border crossings. The report says that without a tougher and more comprehensive resolution that obliges states to provide the information requested, the role of the UN in the fight against international terrorism risks being laughed at marginalised.
Posted by: Zak 2003-12-01