
Woman Gets Three Years for Aiding Terror Cell
The lone woman among a group of American Muslims who tried to ally themselves with the Taliban was sentenced Monday to three years in prison. October Martinique Lewis, 26, was convicted of wiring money to her husband and a group of men who tried to cross into Afghanistan in 2001 to aid the Taliban in their fight against U.S. soldiers. "My heart never internalized a hurt so bad that tears are insufficient to explain how it feels to be called a terrorist by my fellow Americans," said Lewis, whose traditional Muslim garb covered all but her face. "Even so, I refuse to be bitter. Love and peace remain unyielding in my heart."
Toward anyone we know? Or just generalized, unspecific, insubstantial...?
U.S. Attorney Charles Gorder said the sentence reflected Lewis’ cooperation in the case, and would also send a message that, "it is not appropriate to send funds to people engaged in illegal acts."
If you don't give them money, they'll have to get jobs...
Last week, Lewis’ former husband, Jeffrey Leon Battle, and another of the men, were sentenced to 18 years in prison for conspiracy to levy war against the United States.
Counting muzzle blasts would have been appropriate. But we don't use words like "treason" anymore. They might offend somebody...
Four other men accused of conspiring to travel to Afghanistan have pleaded guilty, and a fifth, accused ringleader Habis Abdulla al Saoub, 37, was killed in a shootout in Pakistan, according to the U.S. government. The group only made it as far as China and never entered Afghanistan.
Incompetent yes, but still terrorists. I hate to say this, but I think this group was shortchanged in the smarts department. The PRC does NOT like Muslims, especially JIHADISTS. Did they think that they would just drive on over to Afghanistan and no one would know about the money transfers? They might as well have held a sign up that proclaimed “Jihadists at Work.” Also did you see this woman’s picture? WOOF! She NEEDS a burka! Goodnight my little jihadis/jihadas, we will see you in 15-20 years.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-12-01