
60 wounded as Egyptian troops take on Gaza protestors
Original headline is misleading - apparently the troops didn't fire AT the protestors directly.
About 60 people were hurt, including one woman who was hit by gunfire, as Egyptian border guards fired in the air and used clubs and water cannons to drive back hundreds of Palestinian women who surged across the border from Gaza Tuesday.

The protesting Palestinians were demanding that Egypt back their demands for the border to be opened for shipments of food and essential provisions, in short supply due to Israel's closure of its borders with the Strip.

Meanwhile, with Kassam rockets continuing to hit the western Negev, and despite the easing of the blockade on Gaza, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that peace talks with Israel must continue, regardless of the escalating confrontation between Israel and Hamas.

"We insist that the negotiations continue, and that we reach a solution this year that will satisfy our people and our national demands ...," he said.

Posted by: lotp 2008-01-22