
Nader Raising Money for Possible Windmill Tilting Campaign
Ralph Nader has not yet decided whether to make another run for the White House, but he’s authorized a new exploratory committee to raise money for a potential bid. The Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee was formed in late October as part of the consumer activist’s effort to gauge support for a run, said Theresa Amato, a committee director.
The guy never learns. He’s the William Jennings Bryan of the 21st century.
``He is using it to test the waters,’’ said Amato, who served as Nader’s national campaign manager when he ran for president on the Lunar Green Party ticket in 2000. She said the organization is part of Nader’s overall strategy of ``talking to people, calling people, seeing what level of support there is.’’
Karl Rove is "for".
The new committee also has a Web site under construction, www.naderexplore04.org, which Amato said would debut ``very soon’’ and play a key role in raising money. Nader has said he would decide by the end of the year, but Amato said Tuesday an announcement is more likely to occur early next year. Nader did not return phone calls seeking comment.
"I’m thinking, I’m thinking!"
Part of his consideration is whether the major political parties decide to take his progressive agenda seriously. Nader has sent letters to Republican and Democratic party leaders urging more of a focus on issues such as universal health insurance and corporate fraud. Amato said Nader is still waiting to hear back from party officials.
"Mr. Nader, I have Mr. Dean on line two!"
But she cautioned against reading too much into the committee’s formation. ``Some other candidates have used it as the launching pad, but he’s using it to test the waters,’’ Amato said. ``He is not a candidate now.’’
At least he won’t be staying at the Four Seasons Hotel like Rev. Al.
Nader won about 3 percent of the vote as the Green Party’s candidate in 2000, but many angry Democrats voters blamed him correctly for taking votes from Democrat Al Gore, paving the way for President Bush’s narrow victory.
Funny how they never blamed Pat Buchanan for Florida.
Funny how they never blamed Ross Perot for Clinto...
This year, Nader has been an active supporter of Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio congressman considered Nader’s political shag sister soul mate on loonie social and economic issues.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-12-03