
Le bomba
Undersecretary of State John Bolton warned on Tuesday that the United States will act decisively to impede transfers of nuclear and missile technology to Iran and any further violations of Tehran’s nuclear obligations will go before the U.N. Security Council. "For our part, the United States will continue its efforts to prevent the transfer of sensitive nuclear and ballistic missile technology to Iran, from whatever source, and will monitor the situation there with great care," said Bolton, the top administration official for nonproliferation issues. Officials told Reuters later that Bolton’s use of the phrase "from whatever source" was meant to send a message to Pakistan, Russia and China, all of whom have been accused of aiding Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The United Nations Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last week condemned Iran for hiding sensitive nuclear research for as long as 18 years, and said any further serious breaches of nonproliferation obligations would not be tolerated. Faced with concerted international pressure, Iran agreed to allow snap inspections of its nuclear sites and suspend uranium enrichment, which can be used to make fuel for bombs. But Hassan Rohani, secretary-general of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said on Sunday Iran has no intention of scrapping its uranium-enrichment program. Bolton said Rohani’s comments made clear Iran has "mixed feelings" about its IAEA obligations and privately, U.S. officials called Rohani’s comments "stunning."
"Marvin, is that boy just plain stoopid?"
"I believe so, sir."
They said they raised doubts about an agreement between Iran and three European powers — France, Britain and Germany — that kept the IAEA from declaring Iran in noncompliance of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and sending the issue to the Security Council. Russia is helping Iran build a nuclear reactor at the Bushehr power complex, but said it would drop those plans if the IAEA presented evidence that Iran was seeking to build nuclear weapons. He [Bolton, not Russia] reaffirmed the U.S. view that Iran’s activities, including enriching uranium with centrifuges and lasers and reprocessing plutonium, can only be an attempt to develop nuclear weapons, something Tehran denies.
They will have that bomb, who cares?
The IAEA’s Nov. 26 condemnation of Iran "should leave no doubt that one more transgression by Iran will mean that the IAEA is obligated to report Iran’s noncompliance to the (U.N.) Security Council and General Assembly," he said. "The real issue now is whether the (IAEA) board of governors will remain together in its insistence that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is illegitimate or whether Iranian efforts to split the board through economic incentives and aggressive propaganda will succeed," he said.
It will succeed if the money is right
Posted by: Lucky 2003-12-03