
US Army Uses Tough Love Bulldoze Threat to Get Iraqis to Talk
EFL & Applause
When U.S. soldiers found explosives in the house of Aziz Abdel-Wahhab and his elderly wife during a raid in the Iraqi town of Hawija, they proposed swift and direct punishment — demolishing the building.
Cause and effect.
"This house is the heart of terrorism and if you’re going to harbour terrorism we’re going to remove you from the community," said 1st Lieutenant Steve Brignoli, explaining the order to destroy the one-story stone house in a Hawija suburb.
Plain spoken, ...effective.
Oh, cheeze. Another member of the Axis of Stevel...
"This will be a show of force, to embolden the local authorities."
Man, I am geting the warm fuzzies!
"Tell him we found enough explosives to flatten this neighborhood," a soldier ordered one of the army translators.
This next sentence is precious:
The toothless old man could hardly talk, but mumbled a few words about his son Adel.
Aha! The son. Hmmm. Now where did he go?
Sabah, Adel’s brother, was at his home in the town and offered to lead the American troops to his brother in the fields he ploughs nearby. "I’m only doing this because I am scared shitless don’t want them to destroy the house," he said.
Cause and effect.
After a 15-minute drive through muddy fields, the troops found Adel cowering. There was no shoot-out. He raised his hands behind his head and walked over whimpering to the Humvees.
You must read the entire article. Good stuff.
Keep your bias goggles on!
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-12-03