
UNESCO funds Protocols of Zion Display in Egypt
Jewish Holy Books On Display at the Alexandria Library: The Torah & the ’Protocols of the Elders of Zion’

Recently, a manuscript museum opened at the new Alexandria Library, which was renovated by the Egyptian and Italian governments via UNESCO...correspondent Jihan Hussein reported [1] that the museum had added "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to the display case of the holy books of the monotheistic religions, next to a Torah. The book on display is the first translation of the "Protocols" into Arabic, by Muhammad Khalifa Al-Tunisi,
(only a pittance of western literature has been translated into arabic but Hitler speeches and the Protocols are always on the bestseller list at the local ’arab street’)
and its binding, according to the report, features "a Star of David, the Bolshevik Jewish symbol, surrounded by symbolic snakes." The following is an interview with the museum’s director, Dr. Yousef Ziedan, in which he explains why he decided to add the "Protocols" to the exhibit:

’The Protocols of Zion Are More Important Than the Torah’
"When my eyes fell upon the rare copy of this dangerous book, I decided immediately to place it next to the Torah. Although it is not a monotheistic holy book, it has become one of the sacred [tenets] of the Jews....
UNESCO’s dollars at work - would somebody please ask the Dem’s about this next debate
More in the next post...

Posted by: mhw 2003-12-03