
Continuing the Rant on HRH Hillary I
by Major Richard G. ("Rick") EricksonEFL

Continuing the Rant on HRH Hillary I and her visit to the troops:
One can only imagine how quickly Hillary departed from the presence of troops who became visibly offended by Hillary’s insubordinate words and, thereafter, by her violation of traditional military protocol providing that officers (and public officials) eat last. You see, Hillary and her entourage decided to go to the head of the chow line and left the junior enlisted to wait, prompting troops to comment that they wished Hillary had just “stayed in Washington.” Hillary’s champions at People Magazine, who accompanied Hillary to gobble up the troops’ turkey dinner, will likely forget to print service people’s comments about Hillary’s audacity.
Wasn’t Billary traveling with an Ex-Army guy? He should have told her about he protocol. Maybe he did and she ignored him?
Along with the absolute failure of Senator Clinton to establish a connection with our service people, liberals altogether have a real disconnect with the concept of military service and, especially, the fact that uniformed men and women, Republicans and Democrats, black and white, will voluntarily give their lives for their country. Liberals simply cannot fathom anything worth giving a life.

I hate to generalize but unless you have donned a uniform and served your country, you can never truly appreciate what they go through.
However, when presented with a real opportunity for liberals to redeem themselves with our troops in Afghanistan and abroad, Senator Clinton towed the line of “Hate Bush” and then patronized service people that their accomplished mission cannot be accomplished. Having questioned the certainty of our military’s task, Hillary squandered another chance to show the American people that liberals can somehow be entrusted with our armed forces. To be sure, Hillary’s performance made it more certain that no Democrat in this presidential race (whether Hillary is included or not) can be commander in chief. Next time Hillary sets foot on hallowed ground occupied by our armed forces, she ought to listen rather than talk, and she better bring a serving spoon.
Rick went on to warn he that pies might be thrown at her the next time she steps in front of a chow line. I for one can’t imagine the anger these troops must have felt toward her. She could repair this by simply apologizing for the comments and breaks in protocol. Also serving up a meal at the home of the 10th Mountain Division some weekend might repair this too. But I doubt she feels the need to placate the men in uniform. Heck she will just have their votes thrown out next election!
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-12-03