
Tehran’s 2 fast food restaurants shut down
Two of the Iranian capital’s western-styled fast food restaurants, popular among young people more for mixed-sex interaction than the food, have been shut down by the city’s new conservative authorities.
Can’t have those young folk mixing together, why that might lead to holding hands and all that icky stuff.
According to Keyvan Aghah, who owns the Apache burger store, he was given no reason when he received an order to shut up shop.
"I don’t know how to answer to more than 70 personnel I employ since they are not telling us when they are going to let us reopen," he told AFP.
Tell them the truth, the mullahs ordered it shut. I’d do it quietly, though.
A similar closure order was given to the Jaam-e Jam food court, situated in a swanky shopping mall in the wealthy and more Westernised north of the city and seen as place where flirtatious young people can pick up more than just a chicken burger.
"They were sitting there, looking at members of the oposite sex eating chicken. And you know what that leads to!"
One likely reason is that the restaurant’s clientele -- mainly young people who show little respect to the Islamic regime idea of sound dress code and social conduct -- have not escaped the beady eye of local authorities.
"Next thing you know, they’ll be choosing who they want to marry themselves! That’s un-islamic, I mean, how’s a distinguished cleric like myself gonna get a young nubile bride if she thinks she has a mind of her own?"
Under Iranian law, restaurants are required to have dedicated male and female sections -- something that many of the fast food joints here appear to have forgotten.
Or they have discovered the young folk with money don’t want to go to those places.
Posted by: Steve 2003-12-03