
Report: Saudi-Iraq border unguarded despite appeals from security forces
From Geostrategy-Direct
ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia has failed to honor requests from its own security forces to bolster protection along the kingdom’s border with Iraq.
Saudi opposition sources said the government has ignored requests from the Saudi Border Guards to provide personnel and surveillance equipment along the Iraqi border. As a result, a stream of insurgents is flowing from Saudi Arabia to Baghdad to fight U.S. troops in Iraq, the sources said.
Despite appeals by the security agency little has changed along most of the Iraqi-Saudi border, the Washington-based Saudi Information Agency quoted Saudi border guards as saying. The guards reported a shortage of manpower and equipment along most of the Iraqi frontier.
The shortage is particularly acute in the area of Rafha. One official said the border guards requested additional manpower and security systems from the Interior Ministry. The request was ignored.
"Infrared cameras cover a limited area of the borders, which allows infiltrators easy access to Iraq," the officer was reported as saying.
Hundreds of Saudi nationals are reportedly entering Iraq on a monthly basis to fight U.S. troops. The opposition sources said Saudi insurgents are highly skilled and know where the weak spots along the border.
On Nov. 21, a Saudi national, Adel Al Nasser from Riyad, was killed in a clash with U.S. troops in Bagobah, north of Baghdad.
The sources said the number of Saudi insurgents in Iraq has been increasing steadily over the past few months. Al Qaida agents operating in mosques throughout Saudi Arabia recruited many of the insurgents.
The U.S. embassy in Riyad has again warned Americans of another Al Qaida suicide strike. The embassy said at least one American-inhabited compound in Riyad, identified as Seder, has come under surveillance by suspected insurgents.
The only way we will seal off the Saudi/Iraq border is to do it ourselves. The Saudi royals are worthless, but .com has been harping on this for months!
Posted by: Alaska Paul 2003-12-03