
Howard Dean loses his marbles
Hat tip LGF
It looks like ex-congressional nutball Cynthia McKinney has picked up some new support for her conspiracy theory that President Bush had advance word of the 9/11 attacks – from none other than Democratic presidential front-runner Howard Dean.
Of course. Downward Dean.
Dean said on Monday that President Bush is withholding documents related to 9/11 because they may show he knew what was coming.
Dean has also reported to a local hospital to get his lips reattatched for the umpteenth time.
"The most interesting theory that I’ve heard so far – which is nothing more than a theory, it can’t be proved – is that he was warned ahead of time by the Saudis," Dean told a caller to Washington, D.C’s "Diane Rehm Show," according to a transcript obtained by Opinion Journal.com.
It walks like a duck, it has oily feathers, it has webbed feet, it goes quack, so it must be a seagull.
"Now, who knows what the real situation is?" the presidential conspiracy theorist cautioned. He then added, "But the trouble is, by suppressing that kind of information, you lead to those kinds of theories, whether they have any truth to them or not."

Dean warned that the more theories like his "get repeated," the more people tend to believe them. "So I think the president is taking a great risk by suppressing the key information that should go to the Kean commission" investigating the 9/11 attacks.

McKinney raised similarly explosive questions during a March 2002 radio interview when she demanded, "What did this administration know, and when did it know it about the events of Sept. 11?
"Who else knew," McKinney added, "and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide?"
No guilty secrets.
Posted by: Atrus 2003-12-03