
Children for sale: UK's new slave trade
Oh, the joy of multicultural societies!
Hundreds of young children are being sold and "trafficked" to Britain from Africa to be exploited as modern-day slaves, it can be revealed. The illicit trade in children - sold by their parents, some while still babies, to criminal gangs and people traffickers - has been uncovered by a Sunday Telegraph investigation.

An undercover reporter was offered several children for sale by their parents in Nigeria: two boys aged three and five for £5,000, or £2,500 for one, and a 10-month-old baby for £2,000. Teenage girls - including some still pregnant - were willing to sell their babies for less than £1,000. One international trafficker, tracked down in Lagos, claimed to be buying up to 500 children a year.

Posted by: anonymous5089 2008-01-27