
Russia: Chechen Asylum Casts Doubt On UK Antiterror Role
Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov on Monday said the U.K.’s decision granting refugee status to a Chechen leader cast on London’s commitment to fighting terrorism.
"The granting of asylum status to Zakayev raises doubts over the sincerity of the British leadership’s relationship to counterterrorism," Ivanov told reporters after meetings at NATO headquarters.
Akhmed Zakayev is wanted in Russia on charges of murder and terrorism. He was granted refugee status in London on Saturday after a judge ruled he risked being tortured if extradited to Russia.
Moscow alleges that Zakayev was a senior Chechen military commander. He is wanted on 13 charges, including kidnapping and taking part in the murder of more than 300 militia officers.
Zakayev denies all the charges. Supporters say he is a peace negotiator.
The Russian government warned over the weekend the decision to grant Zakayev asylum would hurt its relations with London.
Posted by: TS 2003-12-03