
Head Strong: Sublimely ridiculous suits
By Michael Smerconish
I just got sued.

Go ahead. Laugh if you want. No doubt some will say it's a fitting comeuppance for a former trial lawyer. It's not the first time I've been on the receiving end of a lawsuit, but no litigation against me has been successful.

A few years ago, I spoke out against a bureaucrat (who, ironically, was supposed to be promoting affirmative action) after he complained about "Jew lawyers and Jew architects." I thought those words should have cost him his job, or at least led to a request for his resignation. Instead he was demoted and reprimanded, and sued me, apparently because I had the audacity to offer my opinion. Go figure.

While I've come to recognize that such complaints are one of my job hazards, this time it's different. There's a guy I'd never heard of (and whose name I will not repeat) who has plenty of time on his hands because he resides in a federal slammer down South, where he is serving time for wire fraud and identity theft. Alas, he has enough time on his hands to be his own lawyer and launch his own lawsuits. He's claiming I caused him "major mental damage" when I supposedly said, "Anyone who steals credit cards and does identity theft should rot in prison." Evidently it's not his prison stay that caused his "mental damage," but rather my public declarations about criminals that finally knocked him off his rocker.

Posted by: Fred 2008-01-28