
Part of anti-terror law overturned
THE DECISION WEDNESDAY by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals involves a 1996 terrorism law that outlaws financial assistance or “material support” to organizations classified as terrorist by the State Department. The San Francisco-based appeals court struck down part of the law, ruling that it is unconstitutional to punish people — sometimes with life in prison — for providing “training” or “personnel” to a terror group.

I heard about this on the radio on the way to work this morning. If this stands, the rest of us might as well cut our throats. These beauzeaux are demanding we commit national suicide. After all the normal people are dead, and the country's refilled with immigrants from Pakistan and Yemen, these guys will take a weekend course in shariah law and stay in business, ruling who gets his head cut off.

During the heyday of the Greeks, when somebody committed a non-hanging offense the punishment was exile. I don't think these guys should be hung, though I do think they should be removed as a body and beaten with a stick in public. And I think they should be exiled to Karachi, forbidden to ever set foot in the United States again.

Posted by: TS 2003-12-04