
Muslims: We live in fear
A senior Muslim leader today warned that police raids across the country were creating a climate of fear among Muslim communities.
"Oh, hold me, Fatimah! I'm so frightened!"
Dr Mohammed Naseem, chairman of Birmingham's Central Mosque, said Muslims supported the arrest of terrorists but not harassment of innocent people. "We support what the police are doing, but not how they are doing it," said Dr Naseem.
"I mean, they're only going after Islamists. Have they arrested any Norwegians? No! Have they arrested any Samoans? No! Only us! They're pickin' on us, that's what it is!"
"When I first came to this country in the 1950s, the police were renowned for their politeness and behaviour, but now they bang down doors and raid the homes of innocent people without proper evidence. It is appalling and ruining strong relationships that have been formed between different ethnic groups. Muslims are not against taking action against terrorists as long as there is evidence. But some of these latest arrests have not discovered any proof of terrorist activity and that is what we are worried about.
"'Course, we're even more worried about the ones that have discovered proof..."
"Someone in the police has not been doing their homework properly and it results in a feeling of harassment and fear among innocent, hard-working Muslim families. That cannot be good for Britain, but only work towards us becoming a totalitarian state where people are afraid to air their views."
Kind of like what you'd have under a caliphate, huh?

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-05