
McRage II: Police Close Popular Fast-Food Restaurants in Iran

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Police have shut down four of the Iranian capital’s Western-style fast-food restaurants, popular with youngsters as meeting places to mingle with the opposite sex, in an apparent crackdown on un-Islamic behavior.
Later, Police were seen reopening the restaurants and letting all the men back in for some ‘bonding’.
Restaurant owners said the closures were ordered 12 days ago by a branch of the religious police notorious for closing down shops and eating places deemed to have contravened the Islamic Republic’s strict moral code.
No wonder so many young Arab men are angry. They can’t even hang out with the ladies for a chat and pop.
Bored teenagers, officially prohibited from socializing with unrelated members of the opposite sex, pack into brightly lit eateries and coffee shops in the evenings and at weekends to subtly flirt over a burger or a coke.
‘The Islamic Republic’s strict moral code’: Eeeew girls are icky and dirty. They have cooties!
Young women, in particular, have incurred the wrath of hardline asshats authorities by wearing make-up, short coats and colorful scarves pushed back to expose as much hair as possible instead of the head-to-toe black chadors deemed necessary by the country’s ruling clerics to protect a woman’s modesty.
And thank goodness for that! Don’t want them cooties spreading.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-12-05