
Sniper Jury Hears of Utopia Vision -or- "the Chewbacca Defense"
Lee Boyd Malvo had a plan to save the world. And it was going to start after he and John Allen Muhammad collected a $10 million payment to stop last fall’s sniper shootings, an investigator for Malvo’s defense team testified Thursday.
holy f*cking sh*t, I’ve heard it all.
The plan involved setting up a compound for 70 boys and 70 girls. "Seventy boys and 70 girls were going to be made into super-people," Carmeta V. Albarus, an investigator and social worker, said Malvo told her. "They were going to be trained and sent out to different parts of the world and bring about a just system."
Like shooting innocent folks from 200 yrds away w/a .223 bushmaster.
Albarus testified Thursday that she pointed out "how ludicrous" the idea was. She said Malvo "felt very confident that this could be done, because we have to start with the children." The $10 million payment from the government "was to purchase land and equipment and whatever else he needed for this compound," Albarus said.
Apparently Malvoid didn’t know Jacko already beat him to the punch on this.
Craig S. Cooley, one of Malvo’s attorneys, had said in his opening statement that Muhammad devised the idea for a child utopia and planted it in Malvo’s mind as the motivation behind the sniper shootings. Albarus’s testimony was part of the defense’s continuing argument that Muhammad so indoctrinated Malvo that he was temporarily insane when the pair shot and killed 10 people in the Washington region during three weeks in October 2002.
Howcome they only admit they're lunatics after they've killed the people?
Fairfax County prosecutors have begun challenging the theory more vigorously in recent days, repeatedly objecting to the relevance of "indoctrination" when the issue is whether Malvo killed someone. Malvo is charged with murder in the Oct. 14, 2002, slaying of Linda Franklin outside the Seven Corners Home Depot store, and prosecutors are seeking to have Malvo executed. Authorities allege that the snipers committed terrorism by demanding $10 million in exchange for an end to the shootings.
I severely cut this short due to how long it is. Read the whole thing for Cochranesque absurdity. Some parts will make you piss yourself w/laughter, others are just pathetic. Bottomline, another insult to victims’ family members by shameless scamming lawyers.
Posted by: Jarhead 2003-12-05