
More from the "Mom from Hell"...
Dear reader, treasure your mom... because she has to be a better one than this lady...
A nutcase mom peace activist accused the U.S. military on Friday of depriving her of the chance to visit her soldier daughter, telling her that the truck driver was on a mission.
Geez, Mom, don’t bother me at work!!!
But Lieutenant Colonel William MacDonald, spokesman for the U.S. 4th Infantry Division in Tikrit, said he was trying to organize a meeting for Saturday.
"Her daughter keeps refusing to come to the meetings..."
Anabel Valencia said she had informed U.S. military officials that she would be at the gates of the base at noon to see 24-year-old Giselle. She arrived only to discover that her daughter had requested a been sent on a mission to Baghdad or anyplace else far from her mother. "I have not seen her in three years, I don’t know why they are doing this," said Valencia, standing outside a sprawling U.S. military base in Saddam Hussein’s hometown.
Because you’re an annoying pest, who makes Joan Crawford look like Mother-of-the-Year?
"The last time we spoke she said ’I miss you and my father and sister. I want to come home for Christmas but I have to finish my mission’."
Never suspecting the real reason she’s been using this excuse for three years...
"I feel so bad. I am insane sad," said Valencia, who was accompanied by Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange, an anti-war human rights group. Several parents of Americans serving in Iraq have come to the country to visit their children, including ones that were killed in the war that toppled Saddam.
The parents were killed in the war, or the children? Not clearly written...
If the children who were killed, did the parents come before or after their demise? If before, have we investigated throroughly?
Their presence just outside the military complex clearly made U.S. troops nervous.
, especially the troops who see their parents in the crowd
One arrived with a sniffer dog and firmly told Valencia to keep a distance from the main checkpoint.
"Lady, my dog doesn’t like the way you smell..."
"Can I talk to her?" Valencia asked before being told that Giselle had been sent on a mission to Baghdad, where her brother is also serving in the U.S. Army.
Valencia and her party were told that Giselle would be back at five o’clock. But MacDonald contradicted that claim. "This mission has been scheduled for quite a while and you know she is a soldier. She is out performing her duty," he said.
He explained patiently to the mother, rolling his eyes at her stupidity.
One soldier stood by and reminded everyone that "this is a war and soldiers are sent on missions."
"Do you need me to use smaller words and speak more slowly?"
Giselle had spoken to her mother highly of her tour of duty in Iraq.
No word on how she spoke to her tour of duty about her mother, though...
When a group of U.S.-trained Iraqi policemen showed up, American soldiers loaded their weapons.
But were uncertain about who the bigger enemy was...
"The Americans asked us to come here to stop the demonstration," said Iraqi policeman Mohanan Taha. Asked if protests were illegal in the new Iraq, he told reporters: "There are no human rights under the Americans. Nothing. It is all empty talk."
Mohanan needs to take the refresher course in "Americans", I think...
Posted by: snellenr 2003-12-05