
Upheld: Al-Kamil to count muzzle blasts
The Ibb Appeals Court has backed on Monday the death sentence against Abid Abdulrazzaq Al-Kamil, the killer of three American aid workers of Jibla Hospital. Al Kamil, 30, killed one doctor, one administrators, and a purchasing agent in December 2002. The verdict stated that the excruciation should be made public.
They're going to excruciate him? Sounds painful...
He was sentenced on May 10 for premeditated murder of the three Americans. The judge clarified that all accounts of murder are directly blamed on the defendant, and that all evidence confirms he murdered the aid workers intentionally, and hence deserves capital punishment by firing squad. The ruling endorses the earlier ruling of the preliminary court of Ibb that issued a verdict of death to Al-Kamil. Al-Kamil confessed his crime, saying that the doctors were missionaries and converted some Muslims to Christianity.
Well! That certainly explains it...
After hearing the verdict, Al-Kamil, who was behind the bar, appeared calm and never showing being sorry; rather, he thanked God and prayed to him, lashing out at Arab leaders, accusing them of being the protectors of the ‘Zionist state’. And that, according to him, there must be a crack down on these protecting forces of Israel.
Yeah, yeah. Somehow it's always the Jews' fault...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-06