
Erdogan: We Curse Religionist Terror
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said they had the same sensitivity for all divine religions and the holy values of humanity, not just those of Islam. He said he sought to keep the distance between the integrity of faith and faith mixed up with terrorism. While cursing people involved in terrorism using holy values as an excuse, Erdogan said, "Racist, religious, and regionalist terror will always be condemned according to us and humanity."
I like Erdogan a lot more lately than I did back in March...
In his speech at the Justice and Development Party (AKP) Parliamentary Group meeting, Erdogan used the expression 'religionist terror' for the first time. He had previously explained that "the expression of Islamic terror offends me" as why he never linked the terrorist attacks in Istanbul to religion.
But now he has the guts to do it...
Erdogan underlined that the government describes all attacks against innocent people as terror, regardless of their opinion and beliefs. "We are the members of a big consistent movement that defines religionism, racism, and regionalism as our red lines, even in the legal political field. Since we are sensitive in the field of legal politics, it is obvious that we curse those who are involved in terror by using these elements as a means. It is our job to protect our nation, land, population, and our noble religion that is full of beauty from this trouble." Erdogan gave messages in his speech yesterday similar to the ones he gave immediately after the bombings. "People who thought they would be heard by exploding bombs will soon understand how wrong they are. A perception that demands concessions from justice and basic human rights will never have a right to live in this country."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-12-06