
Anti-army pamphlets in Tribal Areas
Pamphlets supposedly circulated in the Tribal Areas by a little known Afghan organisation promised lakhs [hundreds of thousands] of rupees for killing any Pakistan Army soldier or ‘Pakistani or foreign mujahideen’, residents of the area told Daily Times.
Uhuh. Sounds like a setup...
The pamphlets, written in Pashtu, offered Rs 0.5 million for killing a soldier, Rs 0.3 million for ‘a Pakistan mujahid’ and Rs 0 5 million for ‘a foreign mujahid’. The pamphlets also offered unspecified amounts of money to anyone attacking ‘army installations or any state interests inside Pakistan’.
Maybe those ’Indian consulates’ in South Afghanistan are finally going to live up to all the Pak whining... or maybe the Northern Alliance has had enough of the ISI’s games...
The leaflets asked the tribal people to help the Islamic government in Afghanistan. However, the local Wazir tribesmen expressed surprise at the pamphlets urging the targetting of Pakistani soldiers. Islamabad deployed thousands of regular troops in the Tribal Areas on its border with Afghanistan since December 2001 to stop possible infiltration of Al Qaeda and Taliban elements.
Of course the Northern Alliance and the Indians see no difference between the ’Mujahideen’ and the Pakistani soldiers, but regardless of who is behind it, I would expect an attack on one of the Indian consulates in the next few months.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-12-06