
Democrats vow 'Dire Revenge'™ for 'stealing' Florida in 2000
Democrats Vow to Avenge 2000 Florida Loss
In the state that decided the 2000 presidential race, Democratic leaders on Saturday accused Republicans of stealing the bitterly contested election and pledged to avenge that loss next year. "Al Gore won the state of Florida in 2000, and we should never forget it," Democratic Party whiner Chairman Terry McAuliffe said as state activists gathered for the second day of a three-day convention.
Just before her lips fell off...
"Recount? We don' need no steenkin' recount!"
Meeting amid the resorts and attractions at Disney World,
A very approprate setting for the Donks
the 5,000 delegates were hearing from most of the party's presidential candidates, all of whom were serving up criticism of President Bush. "Everything that you care about ... is vanishing," said Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo. "Our good jobs are vanishing.
A lie.
Our civil rights are vanishing
A lie..
Our clean air and clean water is vanishing.
Another Lie
Osama bin Laden has vanished.
Probably dead - no new videos for awhile.
Saddam Hussein has vanished. There is only one way to fix the problem: We've got to make George Bush vanish."
Eh. Dick, President is not spelled v-a-n-i-s-h.
Added Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts: "On issue after issue, George Bush has given Socialists America a raw deal, and everyone in this room knows it." Kerry, in remarks prepared for delivery, said that the president "goes to Baghdad to carry around a fake Thanksgiving turkey while he cuts support for our troops and 40,000 veterans are left on a hospital waiting list."
Ok. Flash test. Who cut support for the troops the most - Bush (either) or Clintion? And yes Kerry you can look at your books.
Kerry was referring to Bush's visit last week to U.S. troops, during which he posed with a turkey cooked to perfection and adorned with the makings of a table setting.
Was the turley faked?
The freewheeling program also was planned to include front-runner Howard Dean, retired Army Gen. Weasle Wesley Clark, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Sens. John Edwards and Joe Lieberman and former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun. The ninth major candidate, Al Sharpton, skipped the event to guest host NBC's "Saturday Night Live."
Another fitting venue....
At least it was intentional comedy...
Florida Democrats say memories of the 2000 election still energize party voters. The Supreme Court halted the recount of state ballots after five weeks, with Bush ahead by just 537 votes out of 6 million cast. "We're going to beat George Bush again in the state of Florida in 2004," McAuliffe said.
Just like we did in 2000.... in our wet dreams....
Carrie Meek, a former congresswoman from Miami, accused Bush of stealing the 2000 election and shouted to the crowd, "We should be ready for dire revenge!" Kerry, a Vietnam veteran and national security expert in the Senate, said: "I'm running for president because George Bush has shown he has no experience to be commander in chief and no plan for peace in Iraq. I know what it's like to be serving on the battlefield and looking back toward home at an administration that is failing the troops."
Me, too. That's why I wouldn't vote for Kerry while I still have fingers...
Kerry accused Bush of bowing to special interests over domestic policy, particularly the Medicare bill Congress recently passed. "The AARP (which supported the bill and just happens to represent millions of elderly) pays actors to play seniors in TV commercials. But real-life seniors are getting left out in the cold," he lied said.
Posted by: CrazyFool 2003-12-06