
Kerry drops the "F-bomb"
Struggling 2004 Democratic wannabe John Kerry the haughty, French-looking Massachusetts senator who once served in Vietnam fires an X-rated attack at President Bush over Iraq and uses the f-word - highly unusual language for a presidential contender - in a stunning new interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Sen. Kerry (Mass.) used the undeleted expletive to express his frustration and anger over how the Iraq issue has hurt him because he voted for the war resolution while Democratic front-runner Howard Dean has soared by opposing it.
"I thought the Angry Left(tm) would cut me some slack on it. $%#@&* them!"
"I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything?' Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f*** it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did," Kerry told the youth-oriented magazine.
Rolling Stone is youth-oriented? I thought its readership consisted of old hippies. Or maybe that was Mother Jones...
Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen Hess said he can't recall another candidate attacking a president with X-rated language in a public interview. "It's so unnecessary," Hess said. "In a way it's a kind of pandering [by Kerry] to a group he sees as hip . . . I think John Kerry is going to regret saying this."
"Just wait till his wife, outspoken ketchup heiress Theresa Heinz, washes his mouth out with soap!"
... or pickle relish.
Kerry was accurately quoted in Rolling Stone, said spokesman David Wade, adding the X-rated language reflects the fact that Bush's Iraq policy "makes John Kerry's blood boil."
Actually, I expect to see a rhetorical arms race among the Democrats. If Kerry has the F-bomb, Dean will have to have one too . . . and Gephardt, and Edwards, and so on. Will the '04 convention mark the first use of an F-bomb in a primetime keynote speech?

These guys want to sit in the same chair Jefferson and Lincoln sat in...

Posted by: Mike 2003-12-07