
Barak says will not quit government over Lebanon report
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Sunday he would not quit the government despite a harsh Lebanon war report, relieving pressure on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as he pursues peace talks with the Palestinians.

The Labour party leader had suggested he might pull out of Olmert’s fractious coalition if an official inquiry into the 2006 Lebanon war released last week blamed the prime minister directly for political and military bungles.

But Barak, whose departure would likely have felled the government and prompted snap polls, said he would stay in the job to deal with recommendations laid out by the Winograd Commission and would later “set a date for elections”.

“I decided to stay,” Barak told reporters ahead of a cabinet meeting in remarks aired on Army Radio. “And why am I staying? I remain in my job as defence minister because I know the challanges that face Israel.”
Posted by: Fred 2008-02-04