
Palestinians in Lebanon plagued by doublethink
“Controlled insanity” a term popularized by George Orwell in his novel,”1984”, was his attempt to describe the machinations behind “doublethink” the very conscious effort of one party to tell a deliberate lie that it truly believes in.

This idea of controlled insanity rests on the proposition that one can be and yet not be at the same time. It is a sorry exercise in faulty logic and internally inconsistent arguments.

Unfortunately this diabolical and maybe even sophomoric type of confused thinking is the best way of describing many of the positions that have been advocated over time by the Lebanese opposition parties. They are constantly proclaiming their love for the country and their interest in promoting its welfare when each of their acts seems to be deliberately designed to achieve just the opposite. Weaken the state, promote instability and act as an advocate for foreign interests.

Although the above contradictions are apparent to all who would bother to look beyond the surface phenomenon of what is going on in Lebanon and thus one would not assign them a high probability of success, this tragedy of faulty logic has infected the totality of the political discourse regarding the Palestinian right of return. All parties in Lebanon repeat ad nauseum the mantra that “The Palestinian refugees must not be settled in Lebanon” without subjecting such a statement to any meaningful level of analysis.

Does a host country have any moral obligations to extend a helping hand to those who seek shelter within its borders? Is it not our duty to offer protection, equal treatment under the law and to help integrate the less fortunate who come asking for help? Are we suggesting that life in slums deprived of the very basics of sanitation, educational services, health care and jobs is acceptable provided that these unlucky inhabitants are not Lebanese citizens? What would be our position if say the US or a European country was to discriminate against refugees within their borders?

If we expect these countries to do whatever is in their power to integrate the refugees that cross their borders then why does not the same principal apply to us? How can we stand to look at our image in the mirror when we deliberately pursue policies that encourage exploitation, misery and squalor to those that are less fortunate? And last but not least would someone please care to explain how is it that a humane treatment of our brothers and sisters would deprive them of their legal rights to return?

Doublethink by the opposition is its hallmark and thus should not be a surprise. But it is very worrisome when the majority adopts the same method of uncritical analysis. Whenever anyone supports keeping the Palestinian refugees in the dastardly conditions that we have perpetuated over the past sixty years then it is incumbent on that individual to explain in plain language how mistreating a guest will help deliver that guests’ natural right.

Currently around 450,000 Palestinian refugees inhabit the hovels that we call refugee camps and it is time for us to treat them as fellow humans, recognize their contributions to our economy, offer them equal protection and help ease their pain. Poverty, inequality and social injustice is a reflection on what we hold to be dear. We have failed our Palestinian neighbors long enough; let us stop using their tragedy as a political football to enhance our own selfish political agendas. They deserve better.
Posted by: Fred 2008-02-05