
Meeting on Afghan Constitution Delayed
C’mon, nobody here thought this would happen on time. EFL.
An historic gathering to ratify a new constitution for this war-ravaged country has been delayed for several days to give delegates time to reach the capital, a constitutional council spokesman said Tuesday. The government had planned the loya jirga - or grand council - to start Wednesday, but spokesman Farooq Wardak said that would not be possible. ``The delegates need more time to get here,’’ he told The Associated Press.
"It’s all the road construction, the commute is terrible."
He said the meeting would start Saturday, with addresses from former king Mohammad Zaher Shah and President Hamid Karzai. Wardak said pre-council meetings have already begun, and some of the 500 delegates - elected in local meeting from each of Afghanistan’s 32 provinces - were already trickling into the capital. Security is a great concern for the gathering, to be held in northwest Kabul at an enormous tent, according to Afghan tradition.
Guardian reporter has an outstanding command of the obvious. "A great concern". I could write this story from Chicago.
The 50-page draft constitution was unveiled Nov. 3 after a year of work and many delays. It envisions an Islamic republic with a powerful presidency and a bicameral legislature. The president would be commander in chief of the military, appoint one-third of the legislature’s upper house and name judges, military officers, police and national security officials. It also guarantees a role for women in running the country and enshrines their right to an education.
Not a bad start. Perhaps they can slip in something about religious freedom.
The grand council is open ended, though Wardak said they were hoping to wrap things up in about 10 days. The delegates will be allowed to approve amendment. Ratification of the constitution will pave the way for national elections scheduled for June but also likely to be delayed by a month or two.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-12-09