
Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing 12-8-2003
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In response to direct-fire contacts along the Syrian border over the past two nights, coalition forces in the north conducted operations at five separate locations east of the Syrian border. Eight people and two vehicles were detained for firing small arms at an observation post in Qaiyara.

In Samarra, soldiers raided a building in search of a targeted individual believed to be financing anti-coalition activities. They did not find the target, but a relative of the suspect was captured and is believed to be part of the financing operation. That person provided additional information, which led to the capture of a third relative involved in the operation and nearly two million U.S. dollars in cash.

In Baghdad, the 1st Armored Division conducted 514 patrols and four offensive operations and detained 17 individuals. On Saturday evening, a patrol was alerted to an explosion in Sadr City. Witnesses at the scene stated that four Iraqis attempted to fire an improvised multiple-rocket launcher that malfunctioned and exploded, killing three and wounding a fourth. Police forces evacuated the wounded Iraqi to a hospital, where he subsequently passed away.

Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2003-12-09